Mental and Emotional Release (MER®) & NLP
What is MER®?
MER® utilizes techniques from a branch of hypnotherapy, called Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), which can rapidly allow you to gain emotional control over your life and make fast, effective, long-term changes in behavior.
The subconscious mind stores all of our memories, and in doing so creates a "Time Line" which enables us to tell the difference between a past event or a projection into the future. Behavioural change in an individual also occurs at the subconscious level and this is the level at which MER® therapy works. Once the root cause is released, a domino effect occurs, which propels the liberating shift forward through time, preserving any of the necessary learnings along the way. By accessing and working with your Time Line, it's possible to eliminate many types of issues held in the past, thus allowing you to move forward towards your goals and desires.
Does it change or erase my memories?
Not at all. Memories remain intact, the only thing that changes is the attachment to the negative emotion or limiting decision/belief that was created at that time and carried forward. An example would be having a terrible fear of dogs your whole life because as a child you were attacked by one; after MER® therapy, you can recall the attack, but you no longer carry forward the irrational fear of dogs as a result of it.
What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) describes the fundamental dynamics between mind (Neuro) and language (Linguistic), and how their interplay affects our body and behaviour (Programming). The neurological system regulates how our bodies function, language determines how we interact and communicate with other people, and our programming determines the kinds of models of the world we create.
NLP is a multi-dimensional process. It offers tools and techniques for creating states of excellence and empowering beliefs, and is a methodology for how to achieve goals. It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients.
What does it mean to have a "model of the world"?
Our experience of reality is not the same as reality itself. Everything that we experience is the result of what our minds have constructed. Each of us creates a representation of the world we live in, and this is what is called our "model of the world". Our model guides our behaviour, and to a large degree, determines what our experience of the world will be, how we will perceive it, and what choices we will see available to us as we live in the world. Each of us has the power to change our model of the world, and therefore how we show up and engage in it.
NLP takes the position that no two people share precisely the same experiences. The model each person creates of the world is unique to their experiences and the distinct ways in which they process and interpret them. In general, it is much more productive and easier to change the model someone has been using rather than the environment in which the person is functioning.
What are some of the problems MER® and NLP can assist with?
Attachment to long held emotions (ie: hurt, guilt, grief, sadness, anger)
Stuck states (ie: laziness, procrastination)
Limiting beliefs (ie: "I'm not good enough", "I'm not loveable")
Fears and phobias
Goal achievement (ie health, fitness, relationship, career)
Conflicting parts (ie: "Part of me really wants to stay in the relationship and another part of me really wants to leave")
Specific food/drink addictions (ie: "I love diet coke and drink it every day but I want to hate it")
Behaviour modification (ie: "Every time I come home I see my gym bag ready but it's still not enough to get me to go")