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Laura Stix Naturopathic Doctor and Hypnotherapist

Dr. Laura Stix holds a diploma from the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in British Columbia and is a Licensed Naturopathic Doctor. Prior to this she earned an Honours Degree in Science from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, graduating magna cum laude with a Major in Psychology and a Minor in Biology. Always intrigued by the field of neuroscience, she was awarded a research grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and additionally completed an honours thesis investigating neural substrates involved in visual processing.


Dr. Stix's continued interest in brain research inevitably lead to mind-body medicine, and she obtained additional training under Sherry Hood CCHt at The Pacific Institute of Advanced Hypnotherapy in British Columbia, the only school in North America that has been a recognised medical elective for physician residents with the University of Alberta. Dr Stix understands that the root cause or aggravating factors to health and personal challenges often involves the mind, and as such she is one of the few Naturopathic Doctors in Canada that is trained to successfully incorporate Clinical Hypnotherapy into her practice.  Continually expanding on this skillset and training with experts in the field, Dr Stix completed  advanced training to become a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and certified in Mental & Emotional Release® Therapy, using these techniques to help patients quickly overcome emotional blocks and self-limiting thoughts and behaviours. 


Living with passion and purpose, Dr. Stix motivates individuals to achieve their potential. Experience as a varsity athlete, black belt martial artist, qualifier for the Boston Marathon, and Canada Winter Games gold medalist, attests to her drive and commitment to redefine limits, and this includes those of her patients. Dr. Stix strives to redefine health and move beyond the limitations that diagnostic labels or self-perceived boundaries can impose. Her extensive international travel and work experience with incredibly diverse cultures and populations has translated into a profound respect for the uniqueness that defines each individual. Dr Stix takes time to investigate each patient's detailed history and tailors treatment strategies to their unique social, physiological, mental, emotional, environmental and lifestyle profiles.  


Dr Stix has met the Standard of Practice for Therapeutic Prescribing and is also certified in Intravenous Infusion Therapy (IVIT). IV therapy enables nutrient loading directly into the bloodstream for various purposes and benefits.


Patient-centered care is central to Dr Stix's practice, and she works in partnership with her patients to achieve their optimal health, vitality and happiness. 

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